Panasonic BGH1 Underwater full function Camera Housing
Panasonic BGH1
Anglerfish Creative Lighting is announcing an underwater camera housing for the Panasonic BGH1. This housing provides operation of all the function to cinema camera underwater. We are currently taking pre-orders for this housing.
Panasonic BGH1 is a compact and lightweight 4K cinema camera offering remote camera function through Power Over Ethernet (POE+) as well as 4K 60hz broadcasting and streaming functions. The camera is also features ability to record RAW video data output over HDMI at 4K, 60hz, 12bit. Users also can record Apple ProRes RAW on Atomos NINJA V. The camera has both HDMI and SDI output. It features Genlock in, TimeCode in and out for camera synchronization.
Panasonic BGH1 is a compact and lightweight 4K cinema camera offering remote camera function through Power Over Ethernet (POE+) as well as 4K 60hz broadcasting and streaming functions. The camera is also features ability to record RAW video data output over HDMI at 4K, 60hz, 12bit. Users also can record Apple ProRes RAW on Atomos NINJA V. The camera has both HDMI and SDI output. It features Genlock in, TimeCode in and out for camera synchronization.
Bayonet Design
The housing Bayonet is compatible with N85 system. This means that users can either utilize their existing N85 ports and extension tubes or use one of Anglerfish’s 4-inch, 6.5-inch, 9.5inch and 12inch glass domes or the macro flat ports.
Bulkhead Ports
The housing feature two for each listed bulkhead ports: M24, M16 and M14.
Multi-function dial mechanism
The housing is designed to offer the diver with full function over all the function of the camera. in particular we have designed a mechanism to fully operate the multi function dial on the camera
Vacuum valve & Leak Detection System
The housing comes standard with leak detection Smart Phone Application which allows the user to detect the smallest leak in the housing. The vacuum valve is a simple design which allows the user to service the valve in the field.
video demo and sample footage